Kieler Nachrichten
Brennend interessiert an Pyrotechnik
"Eine Explosion fast wie im Actionfilm"
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Our main focus in terms of damage exposure is for the volunteering firefighters, who are able to check and improve their capability and availability due to realistic demonstrations.
We make customized fireworks for brirthday or wedding parties as well as for love confessions or other events. Fireworks of any size any size are possible, so do not hesitate to contact us.
From Theater to film and television production, we offer a wide range of special effects. This includes not only pyrotechnics but also snow, fog, shots and more.
"Eine Explosion fast wie im Actionfilm"
Hier klicken um den Kompletten Artikel zu lesen.
Am Augustenhof 18
24251 Osdorf
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 4346 369 222
Mob.: +49 (0) 171 530 3507
Mon - Fri, 8:00-20:00
eMail: mpy.pinky[at]
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